
Category : Wordpress


This is great hi-tech design for your WordPress site. It includes the use of a very techie icon to represent smooth running interlinked systems.

The design comes in a clear sky blue color which evokes feelings of calm and is a nice neutral colour to work with as the base for your site.

The theme is unique as you are able to not only display your sites Title and description, but you can also feature in an even more prominent fashion your sites slogan and mission statement.

With room for four adverts in the right hand column, this template is ready to go and includes monetization capabilities.


  • Featured post - Shows a featured post at the top
  • Adsense Ready - Enter your publisher ID in AquaGreeny options page in wp-admin
  • 125×125 Ads - Manage the ads in sidebar from options page in wp-admin
  • Contact Form
  • Widget Ready
  • Gravatar ready
  • WordPress 2.7.1 compatible

Required Plugins

Comments (5)

Beautifull ;D.

please, how can i make a featured post?


Nice theme.. would like to know as to how we can open the links of 125×125 banners & all external links in posts & comments in new window… I did researched on google found some java script code tried it but didn’t worked. Any help would be much appreciated.

For Said.. Feature Me is a check box at the bottom of the post/edit page in wordpress admin Just scroll to the bottom of the page while edit/making a new post.

invalid or corrupted zip file.

same problem!