
Category : Wordpress



This design has proven so popular that some users have ported it to their own language.

There are many obvious benefits to this wordpress design. It notable has extremely good use of typography with well spaced out type font and excellent line spacing all combining to make fr a site that is extremely readable. If you are in the habit of publishing long articles on your blog then this should be an overriding concern of yours.

Readability offers usability, this will help extend your visitor times and help drive repeat traffic. The design itself comes in black which is always considered sexy, this combined with a header that offers a lime green gradient and a nice button effect. With a small triangle used in the base of the button to create an arrow shape, making a powerful visual aid to navigation.

A graphic search box is represented alongside your site title in this theme.

Comments (5)

I found a bug in the menu, if someone could help me…

Hi! I translate the theme to Portuguese:

Best Regards,
Celso Azevedo

Excelente thema!!!!

Yeah same bug in the header of

Menu items dont appear!!!

you need to create menu’s in dashboard. You will find a link “menus” under “appearance”
Go to menu’s create a menu, name it anything and add pages/categories to it and arrange their order by dragging/dropping them.
Once you have done that, the top nav will work fine.