This wordpress template combines wood effects with true wood and a matt black style painted wood effect. These go to form the header of the template. This use of wood effects obviously lends this theme to use by woodworkers, or men’s hobby sites with a shed like feel. An RSS water drop is also placed within the header to help you promote your live news feeds.
However the theme goes on to present the main content within a two column central content area that looks like a sheet of paper. This additional styling makes the overall design perfect for libraries and
bookshops or for that matter literary sites of any nature.
The design has a quaint old world feel however it is still a thorough well thought design which is professional and modern.
This is an extremely monetized theme with google ads featured below headlines of every new post on your blog. If your looking to make coin from your site then this theme might be right for you.
- Page Management - Select which pages to show in top navigation from the BlackWood options page in Wp-admin section
- Adsense Ready - Insert your Adsense ID in options page
- 125×125 Ads ready - Manage 125×125 ads in sidebar from options page
- Contact Form ready - Use GBCF plugin
- WordPress 2.7.1 ready - Supports threaded comments
- Gravatar - Builtin gravatar support
Required Plugins
Please feel free to post any problems you are facing and we will help.
Thanks for this beautiful theme… I really likes it.
For some reason on the BlackWood, BlackPower, Smoky and BlueDiamond themes I get the following errors when I try to activate them.
Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\themes\BlackWood\index.php on line 32
Even with the correct plugins installed.
I’m using WordPress 2.8. I’ve installed several other themes from this site without any problems such as MaroonKing and Choc, but these ones (the ones I really wanna use), don’t work.
Any ideas?
Date formats not working in this theme
The google ad backgrounds are the wrong color in the latest download. I edited my own, but just an FYI.
Really nice theme, but not working. Would not load in my WP 2.8.2, and killed my site. Had to go in through cPanel and rename the theme so I could get back into my site.
What gives??
very nice temlate thanks…
Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\themes\BlackWood\index.php on line 32
Really theme not working. Also: Parse error: parse error in…….\wp-content\themes\BlackWood\index.php on line 32