This is a really hot design right now, its very 2009 and features both your twitter and rss feeds very highly on your page. This is great for developing your online social networking contacts and maximising on the potential of your feeds syndication.
A two column theme with a nice featured post feature in grey-blues and blue coloured backgrounds and foregrounds, with web2.0 style using lots of gradients and 3 dimensional effects.
This is a truly exceptional, well designed and extremely functional theme. If you want a thoroughly
tested theme which is widget ready then this is one to take a close look at.
- Featured post - Feature any post you like at the top using FeatureMe plugin, All you have to do is check the feature me box in the post page and the latest post which is checked will be shown at top
- Twitter ready - Simply enter your twitter ID in general settings page under BlueDiamond options which will be on the right sidebar in your admin section and the little blue bird in the header will link to your twitter page.
- Adsense Ready - Simply enter your adsense publisher ID in general settings in BlueDiamond theme options page
- 125×125 ready - You can add/edit/delete the 125×125 ads in banner settings page under Bluediamond theme options
- Contact Form - Theme comes with a matching contact form styling
Required Plugins
- Feature Me - Download it here
- PageNavi - Download it here
- Contact Form - Download it here
Please feel free to post a comment if you face any problem and we will try and fix it.
the contact form not appear on the demo. btw, great theme
You do good job! Thumbs up! love the gradient and how twitter and RSS icon placed.
Mwha ha ha ha Now I can capture this theme heavily modify and make it my own…mwha ha ha ha..because it’s goooooooooooooooood
Does this have a lighter color… say light blue?
Nice theme!
I am trying to use your theme but having some problems. Could u please visit my site and let me know what I’m doing wrong. My adsense not showing. I’m confused.
If the post is featured, then it shouldn’t appear in other section. It should only appear in featured area. Plz fix this issue.
Can i use this theme for commercial use ?
Thanks a lot, i am using this, it has been bloggerized by thanks a lot.. i like it much.
How am i supposed to use this skin on my WORDPreSS PAGE?
This is a truly great looking theme. Though hard to choose between all the other great themes you have here.
Couple of questions;
When trying to activate the ‘contact’ plugin I get the message that it does not have a valid header. hence it doesn’t show up in my list of installed plugins. Any ideas on how to fix this?
I am testing the theme using ‘theme test drive’ so that I can set it up before having it ‘live’ for my visitors. Is there a way to edit the banner ads while in test mode? I can’t seem to find the banner settings page but am presuming this is because the theme isn’t active.
When setting the page nav options to dropdown, they all show up, instead of just the top level pages. Is it possible to confgure so the child pages only show when clicked - pop out?
Thanks for some great themes.
Thanks for the fantastic theme… just one question: how can I put a header image/logo in the header portion above the featured post header? I can’t find an image file for that space.
Thanks again!
Wow!! great theme … thank you so much for fantastic theme.
It’s beautiful! Can the Twitter logo be deleted since I don’t Twitter?
I have installed the theme on my website. It is great. you can check it out at
However, it would be good if it comes in lighter colour, is it possible?
Trying to load the featureme plugin seems that the files are not complete as it will not load
featureme doesnt work and Contact Form either.
Lovely theme, but it is ruined by the cartoonish Twitter and RSS icons. The RSS icon looks like a guy sitting on a toilet!
feature me plugin is not working. any help here?
Wow what a great Work. I like this design so much. Looking forward for some more …
My site is not up and running yet, as I’m testing themes and options- still tweaking. The Feature Me plugin doesn’t seem to work. It added the option to feature a post on the post edit page, but it won’t stay ticked.
I tried downloading it from the author’s site- still nothing.
The file in the “img” folder named “bgr_board” is broken,I find it somewhere else,just tell anyone else who want to download it.
Its a great theme and I am using it but the search box at the top does not work and give me some PHP errors.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDWHILE in C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\themes\BlueDiamond\search.php on line 32
Moreover I would to have this them as a 3 column.
Many thanks for any help in advance