This theme is quite inspirational and would work well for any site that is trying to impart a positive message. The hand drawn illustrations show love growing like a flower, with the design kept in a low key grey and blue, this helps keep the theme professional.
The Blue Grey theme allows you to feature an article across your site within the top banner of the page. This is great for sites trying to sell or promote a product, service or list as every visitor will see the content you are trying to promote.
The theme is actually 3 column, however clever design ensures that it feels like a 2 column design until you have scrolled significantly down the page. This ensures you have the neat tidy look of two column sites, with the benefits of a 3 column site.
Just wondering where do I go to edit the main_ads? I have looked thru all the templates under Theme Editor, but I still do not see where I can change the 4 125×125 ads. Please help me out in this.
Hello Ben,
Sorry abt tht, will be writing instructions for each theme, but they should be either in footer.php or sidebar.php
I wasn’t able to find where to add the main ads in the 4 blocks 125×125. I checked the footer and the sidebar. Please advise. Thanks.
Hi Srik, I found it under footer.php (thanks for the help!)
I missed it the other time cos I tried to amend the footer.php (the bottom part of the page), and it said I had to keep it intact, so I left it alone till now. Thanks for your help
Absolutely love this theme!!
I’m trying to figure out how to add an additional sidebar beneath the 2 right sidebars… so the entire sidebar would go the full width (main_ads) then the 2 sidebars, and then another full width like the main ads. Everything I’ve tried so far has resulted in the new section breaking outside the template, or overlapping the main ads section.
Any tips on this?
Great theme. One of my favorites. However, the post titles look horrible in firefox. This is what I mean:
It works fine in IE, but unfortunately not in FF. Anyone knows how to fix it? I would appreciate some help.
I like it, but just noticed a FF 2/3 error.
the titles of the next post are on the same line as the comments and read more bar
i suggest this fix:
.post-title {
style.css (line 183)
add the clear:both; to prevent it floating
Beautiful theme, how can I add static pages?
Great theme! I love it! I was wondering how can I change the default blog title header and replace it with my own logo.
Nick M - thanks for suggesting the title FF error. Works great
blue clear theme! good job!
To edit the sidebar, it says “Widgetized sidebar, if you have the plugin installed.”
What specific plugin do I need to install to be able to manage the sidebar?
I’m running WP 2.7 and the default Widgets editor doesn’t work properly with this theme.
This is an excellent theme. however, on single posts, the sidebar goes way down the footer is misaligned…I hope somebody post a fix on this…
Hi All,
I Love this theme. But, I have a little problem here, the image “Home” and “Subscribe RSS” on the header seems to be wrapped on IE6, but works fine in FF.
I noticed that the style below inside style-ie6.css doesn’t work for me.
#header_right ul{
Could somebody help me for any suggestion, advise, anything….
The screenshot of my problem
Thanks to all
Great Nick Morss!
His fix it’s ok!
Thank you a lot!
Also when you click on the rss button in google chrome it the feed look terrible.
Is there a fix?
Thanks for the great theme,
Great Theme!!!!
Beautiful theme thanks
thanks for share this great themes
Where can I change the text:
welcome to my blog !
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. Maecenas at nisl. Nullam lorem mi, eleifend a, fringilla vel, semper at, ligula. Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante dui, aliquet nec…
You can change this text here
Please help me
Great! Thank you for sharing.
Hi I love this theme and i’ve edited only the links on the ads (renamed my own images for the names in the template). But now my 3rd column (one on the far right) is showing up on the bottom of the page. Any idea on how to fix this?
Doreen - the “welcome to my blog !” is in the header.php template file.
What if I want to get rid of the ad area and move everything else up?
Love this theme, you guys did a great job.. will be using
Great theme, thanks! It creates a sense of trust right away. Thanks, great job!
Error on WordPress 2.9.2 Installation
Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\wp-content\themes\BlueGrey\index.php on line 35
I have same error on localhost (using xampp) but it work well on my server!
Beautiful theme, thank you!!!
Great Theme! Just uploaded it to my new blog and it’s coming along nicely.
Just wondering if there is a way I can change the blue background at the top, where featured posts and the twitter section is. Only reason I ask is that there’s some hearts on there, and, even though I’m not afraid to show my feminine side
I wouldn’t mind changing it. Either to some other shapes or just so it’s plain blue?
Any help would be amazing!
Thanks again on the great theme!!
Any ideas on the above question guys?
Sorry Dan. Wish I could help you out.
By the way, I can’t add any image into the Featured Post. I resized it to 222×148 px and also created the Thumbnail. Still no image in the Featured Post.
Can anyone help me?
i found the solution. hehe!
maybe you can share your solution because i have the same problem…
Al, did you figure out how to add images to the feature posts in BlueGrey theme? I can’t figure it out. Thanks
Thank you ! Great theme for WP! I take it
I am getting a big error. My other Themes are fine.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDWHILE in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\BlueGrey\index.php on line 35
If you are testing on localhost, you will frequently get this.
You need to change the short_open_tags to ON, in your local php.ini file.
I like the color, by the way, your “3 grey” is of bug.
very good theme, i want to know how can you put articles as featured and is there a way to show your recent tweets over the little birdy on right
Thanx for making so good theme
First, go to the dashboard.
- Add a new category, name it, ‘Featured’.
- At the left bar of the dashboard, scroll all the way to the bottom, there’s the BlueGreyOptions corner. Go to the General Settings. And at the Featured Category, choose ‘Featured’ and save the settings.
- At the same General Settings, you may key in your Twitter ID and save the settings. Hence, your tweets will appear on the site (above the birdie) but only one latest tweet at a time. Hope this helps =)
Oh yeah, when you want to make a post to be featured, make sure you mark ‘Featured’ among the categories available. =)
I dont see any of these options. do i need a plugin or something. I also dont have the twitter bird shown in the demo
looks like i had an older version:)
no plugin required, you will see the theme option on the left sidebar in wp-admin
Hi. great great theme.
But is there a way to resize the gravatar? They appear very big. Btw, I am using this theme in my site.
i hope you can help me. thanks!
Very successful theme! Ya super super super thank you !!!!!!!
Nice theme.
Any instructions on how to ad images in the features post area.
Nice Theme. I live it.
I am running the RockinNewspaper theme, which is completely different from my first theme, but I must say I love the 3-column.
Great Themes! Thanks so much!
Is there a way to add a tabbed menu to this theme?
Nice theme. It is looking greater in my site.
Great theme, was working fine and then when I added a new post, my 125X125 ads and my widgets moved to the bottom of the page. I did nothing to edit. What happened?! Please advise.
THANK YOU!!! Just what I needed. I appreciate it.
when I post an entry and choose “allow comments” there isn’t an option to comment on the main page. If you click on the title to read it in its entirety (even though you can already read it on the main page) then you can add comments. I added a test one and it still reads 0 comments. The little blue comment # icon doesn’t show up either, even when I added the test comment. What have I done wrong?? If I reinstall the theme, will all my posts and pages I’ve created disappear???
Best theme. thanks you
Hello, as in the topic to include images in your carousel? like to add?
Help! I would like to have my own logo in the header (in stead of the title).
Thanks for this wonderful theme.
Can I set pagin for my post under this theme?
how do you make the images show on the featured posts on the home page crossbar below the header?
Any instructions on how to ad images in the features post area.
In write post of edit post screen, create a custom field called “thumbnail” and post the url to the image in its value