BrownMagic theme

Category : Wordpress


This theme was designed with monetizing your site in mind. It is a perfect form modern sales letter. With text utilizing double line ensuring your content is easy to read. This is further enhanced by clear clean type fonts.

The design comes in rust, browns and a range of orange color. This is complemented by the subscribe for feeds graphic which is 3d RSS cube on the top right of the design.

A drop down tab above the right hand navigation columns contains your search function. This is excellent example of use of space within a WordPress Theme. The subtle but distinctive Pacifika style patterns running along the top of the site in the background are a very nice island touch and hint at the magic of this template.

WiIdget Ready, CSS based and fully tested.

Comments (15)

Really sweet theme. Thanks!

Link(file) is broken - plz Fix it

This is one of the nicest wordpress themes I’ve seen in a minute. I can’t believe you are offering it up for free. I’m going to snag it before you change your mind. Thanks!

Link (file) is broken!

Still broken. Waiting on this theme

Please let me know when this theme is available.

Still broken Still broken Still broken

Link (file) is broken!

Link (file) is broken!
Still broken

Sorry for the delay…. link is fixed now…

Hi can anybody help me how i can add my custom header on top of the page with this theme?please?

How do you change the advertisements as well as the organization of the tag clouds?

I cant think other themes for my development

Thanks a lot . . .

The link is working fine with me. Try using IE to download?

By the way, the ads is actually at footer.php

Great theme but how do I change the adverts on the right hand side? What file do I need to edit?