
Category : Wordpress


After activating wp125 plugin, go to its settings page and uncheck the “Include default ad stylesheet?” box.

This theme comes in a pearlescent/translucent color set, super neutral with lots of round smooth flowing edges. This theme comes in very pale blues and shades of white with Orange, rust and maroon coloured highlights.

A clear easy to navigate 2 column layout with a very strong header navigation. Your RSS feed is featured with a very nice 3D effect icon at the top right hand side of your theme, sitting just above the search entry box.

You can be sure we have thoroughly tested this theme in a variety of browsers and that it is completely widget ready.

You will need the following plugins :

  • wp125
  • Wp-pagenavi
  • Gravatar
  • PHP contact form

Comments (4)

I am using this theme and I am not sure why the child pages are showing up as individual pages in the main navigation bar at the top. I do not want the child pages to have a link at the top. Can you tell me how to fix this?


Got some download error. Any updates with the download link? Liked this theme so much..


This theme is so awesome!
The download link is dead though.
Please fix this, I really would like to use it!

corrupted !