Rockie wordpress theme

Category : Uncategorized



While WordPress themes with a dark background can look very nice, they can also cause problems for visitors by making it difficult to read the blog’s text. The Rockie theme solves this problem by providing a dark accent background, and then using a much lighter color for the actual background of the body and text. This gives the theme a strong look, while ensuring all of the blog’s text is fully legible. Additionally, by providing this color contrast, the theme draws your visitors’ eyes to the areas where you want their attention.

The Rockie theme has quite a few cool features, including an interactive menu, a dynamic featured posts area, a latest Tweets section (complete with an adorable Twitter bird) and an advertising section that is prominent but in no way compromises the look of the theme. The theme also has some very nice formatting features, including clean designs for ordered lists and unordered lists that match perfectly with the rest of the theme.

To show featured posts, put all posts you want to feature in a separate category and select this category as featured in theme options page.

To show images in featured posts, create custom field called “thumbnail” and paste an url to 222×148 px image in its value

Comments (2)

nice theme, i downloaded

Its rocking!
Awesome theme. I just downloaded and will try in my own blog!