Saffron Spice

Category : Wordpress


You will need the following plugins :

  • wp125
  • Wp-pagenavi
  • PHP contact form

This WordPress theme incorporates a black wood effect that could just as easily be a rock face, this leads this website template a considerable amount of flexibility.

The Top header area is in Saffron, and the design also incorporates some very web2.0 stripes..

This design utilises a clear two column interface which makes use of a right hand column for the purposes of widgets, blogroll and additional navigation. This WordPress theme illustrate a proper use of typefaces to make for a nice, clear easy to read web site.

Your RSS feeds are featured within a water drop at the top of this design which lends the overall theme ‘sustainable living’ feeling.

The theme is cross browser compatible and widget ready.

Comments (3)

Liked this theme

would like to know if I can use this on WP 2.8.2, newest version ?

Thanks for responding


had to download! Love it!

What comment would you use plug-ins?