A very clean, clear, crisp design for your installation of PHP Lnk Directory.
Combining al the required elements of a popular ad good web directory with an extremely intuitive and easy to understand user interface.
Google AD Widget ready. The most important feature of any growing Directory is the ‘Submit Site’ feature, and there are few designs which will feature it as heavily as this within the template.
In Silver and Blue this is an extremely professional template which is ready to run out of the box. Fully working and fully tested.
Make sure your PHP LD installation stands out from the crowd and looks truly professional download a free skin from us today.
Guys fantastic looking template but where do change the main name on the front page it still says Directory ? I know it H1 tag but only been playing around with it for 2 days lol
Can you also send me a cost for a custom wordpress theme please based around the silver blue one ?
You need to change it in settings->directory or settings->site in admin section.
There is a Wp theme already for thsi design :
Srik thanks for the very fast response I have added you as an article under web design and hosting on my site for the free template if you dont aprove I will remove it but the least I can do for your free template. What I want though is a word press theme that I can use and give away, quite happy to pay you the normal fee..
This is a good theme, but the instructions for the old v2.x are not correct-there is no admin screen for templates in the older versions. Also, when I click on a category, I get a 404-probably because there are no install instructions.
Help please replace the “directory name” on the picture. I added in header.tpl line:
The logo has appeared, but underneath it still appears name.
With your permission I will share this template on my site. Thanks for your work…