This is an extremely cute design indeed, in black green and orange its a very Web2.0 combination of colours. It is a heart warming design that is sure to bring a smile to the face of visitors to your site. If
you want your WordPress theme to be a little fun then consider this extremely well thought out web site skin.
Wood panels on a stone wall are very hard objects but they are balanced with the organic feel of moss and the natural connatations of a small chick, which is in fact your twitter icon meant to drive
additional users to your feed. This is a power theme in that it includes your latest tweet with the header of your blog. If social networking is your target in 2009 then you should take a very close
look at this premium theme released for free by Skinpress.
- Adsense Ready
- 125×125 ads
- Widget ready
- Gravatar support
- GBCF contact form support
- Page Management
- Twitter support
Required Plugins
- GBCF - Download it here
- Page Navi - Download it here
Nice theme. Thanks for sharing!
how can i add feed icon and edit twitter url??
plzzz reply A.S.A.P
RSS icon is already in the header.
Go to Wcute options page in wp-admin and enter your twitter ID
What if the RSS icon is NOT in the header. Am I missing something?
Ya, I’m pretty sure the RSS icon in the preview image is not on the DEMO or the Download…
Its fixed now, Thanks for pointing it out….
Thanks so much for the fix! Much appreciated!
I’d like to be able to show the contents of an entire post on the front page instead of it defaulting to a certain number of words and then “Continue Reading”. Any suggestions, or what should I delete or add to the index.php file?
so i must reupload it??
so which part should i reupload on rss feed??
How much content you want to show is controlled by tag is post page
Simply upload the whole theme, its easy that way.
em..tq 4 it..
so another question..
when i simply post entri and add “read the rest of the entry”..
the link continuing reading is still there..n how could i possibly use that continue reading or delete that continue reading and use my “read rest of this entry”
Fixed that too, reupload it again….
tq very much srik…
i think i should learn how to make theme from u..=)
sori to say…but if we dont use “read rest of this entry”
there are no button to click to directly to comment box..
if u can make it black cloud counter comment to directly to will be nice to this theme..sori 4 disturbing again..=P
at last but not least..hu3..
i wanna know how u put on demo on about that have another link on it..tq…
like click it and show 3 link below it?? sori 4 my broken language..i didnt know ho to name it..=P
I’m with Lan, that would be a great thing to have!
Hmm the design is pretty much nice and thanks..
sory again..last ly i just wanna now how to edit the “continue reading” function change with “Post Comment” or something anything like that..i would love to have it..tq the owner..=)
Open up index.php and archive.php and search for “Continue Reading” and replace it with the text you like.
tq Srik…
srik..i wanna to know how to edit url continue reading to box comment?? any idea about it?? tq
Open up index.php and archive.php and search for “Continue Reading” and replace the link there
This is a great theme. My only wish is that the comment # cloud above each post included a link directly to comments.
Thanks for all the work designing, I love it!
im always with u jonathan…[great theme]
Thank you for creating this theme, it is quite nice and has a few options I haven’t seen before.
Just a couple of things I found while trying your theme:
- the image: wp-content/themes/Wcute/images/bgr_main.png is missing.
- preferences will not save if you have your blog in a directory other than root, eg. will not allow you to save settings.
I’ll let you know if I find anything else. Thanks again!
Not true, the demo is in and it works, shd be some local issues with your site and server
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDWHILE in /home/milka/www/ac2n/wp-content/themes/Wcute/index.php on line 32
I install the theme wordpress for my blog but, i have a error.
What’s this ? Someone can help me ?
I get the same error as Francois.
which wordpress are you using? 2.7.1?
try disabling other plugins and see
Yes,i’m using wordpress 2.7.1. I disabled the other plugins but the problem is still there.It keeps saying that there is a parse error in index.php in line 32..Any ideas?
Thank you for your reply!
No idea… sorry abt that…
Hi is there a way to get rid of the adsense actually on the ad block when you see the full post? Very nice theme btw
Never mind !Thanks for your replies!
Yes you can do that in single.php
delete the php tag with word google in it
Once uploaded and selected from the wp-admin/themes maintenance, the site only displays blank (white) pages. I’m using wp 2.7.1, any ideas on how to fix this ?
Update: Seems that it’s only the homepage that is blank…
Thanks for this Template - comming new features soon ?
how can i possibly get the comment box on the new pages fot this theme?? i need ya?? for example on my blogroll pages..i need the comment box for the feedback from my frenz..
Is there an idiot-proof way to move the a built-in adsense code to the bottom of each post, instead of it being right at the top on both the main index page and single posts?
how can i make the sidebar widget ready?
I cannot use any default wp widgets on this theme
Hello ,
Look at my blog I just used this theme,anyway I have use other skin press themes before and now after moving to this theme,my adsense look is still at “old adsense theme format and colour”any idea how to make the adsense look,is like the adsense look in this wcute themes
Hi Srik,
Could you please help me to define how to apply the theme please…!
I am new to custom wordpress these. Any instruction and how do I find that instruction?
Thank 4 your design….it’s very great design.
I would ask a permission to convert it into blogger template.
I hope you don’t mind.
And i promise to you, that credit will not disappear.
best regard
Hey man
just wanted to say thanks ..I used this theme on one of my wordpress client site and it worked great
Is it possible to change the font in the header ? Or to put a image ?
Thank you
Yes, its possible if you can work with css/xhtml
Where can i change the twitter ID?
Hi I’m currently using (a heavily edited (graphics wise)) version of this theme on my blog/resume and I have a few things I’d like to change but don’t know how.
First; The way it is set up now you can only post comments on the blog section, where as I’d like to be able to post comments on most of the other pages (but not all). How would I fix that?
Also; in the drop down tabs (my favorite part of this theme) I have a section that drops down, then I have another section pop out of that one, and then another. So I have 3 drop down feature on one subject so it looks very convoluted and hard to read. the menus actually switch the way they are going and end up coming the rest opf the first menu. (check Killerlolis/finished works/higurashi (on to see what I mean) How should I go about fixing that, would it be best, just to not have that many sub sets?
Thank you for your time
I would like to convert the “Wcute” template to another CMS. Is this a problem for you? I keep the copyright information! I think it would be easier to convert using the PSD file. Is there any way to obtain the PSD file ? Thanks!
Hi you can convert it, but it won’t be possible tp give the PSD’s….
Ok, thanks!
any option to remove twitter completely from this template?
I love this theme. Getting tons of compliments on it! One questions: How do I change the color of all my hyperlinks to any other color like blue? Thx.
One other question… How do I make adsense ads only show up small on the individual pages instead of a huge box that takes up so much space?
It would be great if we could change the color of the adsense.
I saw that on fn-general.php has some options to change the adsense colors, however, I change there and nothing happened.
Could you please told us where we could change the color for the ads?
Thanks and the layout is great.
Nevermind it did change, I was looking at the wrong place.
However a good feature it would be if we could ad channels, so we could see how much money those ads are generating.
Hello there, how to link my twitter to the twitter provided on the theme??..
All of a sudden my blog doesn’t load properly when you click on a post from the main page. It takes forever to load the sidebar. I haven’t done anything to the coding so I am not sure why the changes all of a sudden. Can you have a peek at my blog and see if you can tell what’s causing it?
Hello, I have a couple of questions- first, how do I link my twitter account to the blue bird? second, how can I allow my viewer to become subscribers through the RSS icon at the top of the page? third, I have a custom logo that I wanted to replace in the text area, is this a easy fix? I am afraid that I am just going to have to contact a programmer because I am LOST…haha
thanks so much. ps- love the design, its perfect for my blog!
Thanks!!! Great theme, I love it
Theme is great, but homepage of the website is just blank :/
If i navigate to some page its loading properly but homepage is just blank, i am using wordpress 2.7.1, the plugin GBCF and Page Navi which you posted as required plugins. GBCF is configured properly. I am also not able to see theme’s options in Admin Panel.
I hope you will fix the problems…I really want to use this theme.
Try and upgrade to 2.8.1
May I ask why did I wrong?
Error code:
Parse error: parse error in D:\wamp\www\UltimateTravel\wp-content\themes\Wcute\index.php on line 32
I got the same error
Love the look of it but how do I include a title without it showing up on top of my customized header image? Is there a way for the title to be underneath header images like in blogger? thanks
can anyone tell me y my header is messed uo???
I am having problems with the Wcute theme. The bird is out of place and that is messing up the header… any suggestions?
Hello there,
everytime I try to choose or better activate that theme,
wordpress always gives me following error message:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDWHILE in /srv/www/httpd/phost/a/com/pytalhost/adrush/web/wordpress/wp-content/themes/Wcute/index.php on line 32
I’m a newbie in stuff like PHP-coding, so I would be very happy about a solving answer.
Best regards,
I cant download it - can anyone help me??? THX!
I want to add widgets in sidebar. how can i add , i had gone to widgets ection but it was not resolved.
I want to add some widgets on my sidebars, please help how do i go about it.
Waiting for your reply - in hurry
How can I still have the 125×125 ads showing when I have widgets in the sidebar?
Would appreciate some help on this.
anybody can help me to put my twiter in the theme please?
or exist any doc to make it
you can simply enter your twitter id in theme options page
Where is the themes options page?
actually, i found it nevermind! it’s located at the very bottom of the left bar in the wp-admin page. there is a link you can click on called “wcute (or whatever you named this theme) options”
I love this theme. I had a question. I’m new to using WordPress, so this could be user error, but at the end of my blog posts even though I have enabled comments checked in the WP-Admin panel it still just says continue reading. It also does not allow me to click on a post and take me to the individual blog posting page. It always displays all the blog posts. HOw do I remedy this? Also the required plug-ins how do I get them to install on the wordpress? My wordpress blog is hosted by Bluehost.
# GBCF – Download it here is not working properly. When activating the plug in it says that the header image is missing. Any help?
I like this theme.
why those adsense doesnt appear all of it on my home page… only the above one apear..the end and 3rd doesnt appear..only the space
Another question, does anyone know how to get the pagenavi working? Mine isnt working properly! all of my posts are on page 1 instead of having multiple pages!
Very cute, absolutely love it!
There are few problems:
1. Everything works well in Firefox, but IE and Chrome do not display feed page properly
it’s a complete mess there.
Also - when opened in IE button_rss.png (RSS feed image) image no longer has transparent background.
I’ve been searching the web all morning, trying to find a way to fix this, no luck yet, so now I’ll post it here.
The tag;
I’ve seen it in a lot of themes, that they’re a built in function which shows in every single entry, even though there’s no need for it.
How do I change this, so the ‘continue reading’ only shows when there’s more to read?
Does this theme support WP 3.0? I’d hate to upgrade if this theme will no longer work.
Is this theme supported by WP 3.0? I’d really hate to upgrade if it wasn’t supported and lose this theme =(
Yes they work fine with 3.0
Hi there,
. Today I updated WP to V3.0 and now I can´t see my actual tweet in the header anymore.
I´ve installed this very nice theme months ago and I love it
Any ideas, how to fix this? Thanks a lot
maybe an outage on twitter side, check after a couple of hours…
Thanks for your fast answer, but this was not the problem. I´ve found the answer a few minutes ago. The theme works properly, but I had blocked Twitter Badge with a firefox-addin named ghostery. I found it by change, because I had to look someting with IE this morning:). I apologise for the trouble caused and thanks again for this great Theme.
What’s the price, if i want to remove the link in the footer?
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDWHILE in /srv/www/httpd/phost/a/com/pytalhost/adrush/web/wordpress/wp-content/themes/Wcute/index.php on line 32
Hello, Thank you so much for the theme, is there anyway to have tabbed widget that is compatible with the theme, just like Minimag theme?
Could I also add widgets in the footer area?
Thank you for your support all new to this, i downloaded it and i have no clue on how to get this on my site…little help please! =)
Thanks so much for this wordpress theme. I used the same theme in blogger for a year and recently switched to wordpress.
Quick Question…..How can I make the template stop listing all my pages at the top and only stick with a couple of them?