A 3 column design that incorporates rolling fields and blue skies as the header. This style of header is very popular within the Windows Tech community online, and would make an excellent wordpress theme for such a site.
However it is still generic image and suitable for many types of websites and is a theme that could be put to a great variety of industries ad uses. The use of Greens, from light green through to dark green and a gradient blue sky and the blue-gray background of the theme overall makes this a very balanced site.
very good theme but i have a problem with IE7. If i click at the site “Read the rest of this entry” and the follow site will come, the position of the right sidebar is down the site and not at the right place. I checked a lot and now I have seen, that the Problems ist also at other themes like Black3. On firefox it works correctly. Hope you can help me. Thanks a lot.
I think I must take another theme, because nobody answer - this is a pity - http://www.bodenseeurlauber.de
hi jurgen,
sorry i guess i missed your comment… we are updating skinpress and will take about a week to fix your problem… i see you modified the theme… are you sure its not because of that?
Hi admin,

thanks for answer. I tried again other themes of you like Black 3 1.0 and BeatyPoem 1.0. It seems, that all Themes with 3 rows have the same problem. If I changed the theme and go to “read more” the same problem comes. The third row goes downside. So I think it has not to do with my modifikation. In Opera 9.10 and IE7 i have the same mistake, only in firefox it is ok. I hope you understand my english
By the way, i will go on posting more content and hope you find the bug
By Jürgen
Hello admin. I see that you still have not respond to my problems with the “Pink Angel” template. I know your busy, so I understand.
If you go to your “Pink Ange” template
http://www.skinpress.com/pink-angel/ you’ll see I have some questions. But, there’s another problem I found in the “Pink Angel” template. The full wording of the months do not show next to my post. I am talking about the small icons with the month and day displayed on the left hand side of every post. Example, the month July can full be seen in that small box on the left. But, August, all of the letters of the month August are not shown. Please fix this and the other problems I have brought up.
Thanks For Your Time & Keep Up The Good Work!
Hi admin,
I want to ask you again, if you have time to loolk for the mistake I tell you. I’ve got every day more traffic on http://www.bodenseeurlauber.de , so it would be good if the theme works correct. Thanks for answer.
Please admin, look up for my theme-problem - please, please….
Jurgen, demo works fine on IE and FF, no idea what your problem is. Send me the zip of your theme, i will forward it to my coder and lets see what he says(he may want you to him)
Jurgen, i got your email… but my reply bounced back…
so just upload the zip to your server and leave me a message with download url thru contact form.
Hi Srik,
i`ve send you the link to the ziped theme thru contact form. Hope you git it
Hi Srik,
something new???? The problem still exist. If you have no idea, i had to change it now to anothe theme
Does anybody else have the same problem with this theme???
Hello, nice template - there is a problem in the comment.php file:
Linie 81 and 89 are identical, it should - linie 81 is fine but 89 should be something like:
” size=”22″ tabindex=”1″ />
/Mohammad / Denmark, Copenhagen
hmm, could not post php-code, so i will try again in some other fasion:
[input type="text" name="author" id="author" value="[?php echo $comment_author; ?]” size=”22″ tabindex=”1″ /]
Correct the ] to >, and it should work..
You have some great themes but all aren’t valid xhtml transitional and come with this message: Failed validation, 19 Errors
nice theme apologize me to use it :d
Nice Collection of Themes
My goodness, what beautifull templates you have here. You’re doing a really great joob. I took some templates.